The Heritage Centre and its shop, selling quality souvenirs are open daily from 10 am to 6 pm in summer and 10 am and 4 pm in winter. Please check opening times prior to your visit. 01929 400587
Shops and toilets nearby.
Opening and Closing Times:
Open at all times with large parking area available.
Area Description:
The cove itself is a beautiful shell shaped bay that has been hollowed out by the sea and is arrived at via beautiful rolling chalk downlands boasting a wealth of natural delights.
Best times to visit:
The summer months show off Lulworths beauty to a tee but Spring and Autumn have their own delights. Be careful though as this is a popular tourist attraction and it can get busy.
The undulating chalk downland leads perfectly to an impressive coastline |
Key Flora:
One of the main attractions of Lulworth Cove is the diversity of flowering plants. 5 species of orchid raise most interest with Viper's Bugloss, Wild Thyme, numerous Violets and Vetches and a spectacular show of Primroses on the north facing slope of Bindon Hill.
The rock formations around the area are both dramatic and unique |
Key Fauna:
Sea birds can be seen off shore and with Buzzard, Yellowhammer, Dartford Warbler and Stonechat common on land. Insects are plentiful in good summers with 32 species of butterfly recorded here. The Lulworth Skipper is the main species and a good selection of moths can be had whilst trapping around the car park.